Thursday, December 28, 2006

Bah humbug!

I hope everyone had a merry christmas.

Yet more glum news: -

TFT is closing.

Adam posted a message on the forum to say "We have had a few problems with the earning vehicles used for TFT." He goes on to say he plans to invest all the money in TFT into a private placement and he will then pay everybody out on the 31st January.

He is still allowing purchases to be made until the 3rd January but he will no longer being paying out.

At the moment I think the chances of being paid out fully from this program are 50/50 but all I can do is wait and see what happens.

Andy mentions in the post that this change will not effect XLO but I cannot see how that will work. I am now in profit with XLO and had started to put some of the profits back in. I put another $100 into the program a few days ago but I will not be investing anymore.

Onto happier news: -

I did invest with Coastin' 88 but rather than put $300 in as I originally planned I put in $330 and every day I cashout from CEPCoast and Coastin88 and put all the money straight back into Coastin88.

I will continue to do this until the total amount of money flowing into the program starts to steady out.

I'm not sure on the best way to show the money on the right hand side of this blog. It is easy with programs such as 12by12 (R.I.P.) and other programs that cash out once, but with the profit share model you can cash out daily and re-invest.

For example - At the moment my Coastin 88 account looks like: -

Percent Earned
Total Ad Packs:5Total Amount:$480.00

Does this mean I should count my Coastin 88 account as $480?

If anybody has any ideas about this then please let me know.

I'll have a think about it and update when, and if, I work it out.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Another one bites the dust

12by12Daily has closed.

I lost a total of $360 with them. Not as bad as it could have been but it is still sore to make a loss with any program.

This means that I'm down money from my original $2500. I'm not going to let this deter me and I'm going to try and get back to scratch.

I've learnt from these recent losses that I should get my inital investment back as soon as I can and then re-invest profit into a program.

A new program that I'm going to add to my list is Coastin' 88. They are related to the CEP group and have had 8% every day since they started and they look to be growing. They are funded using CEPTrust so I have transferred $200 there from my E-Gold account. I'm going to put the money I make from CEPCoast into Coastin' 88 as well as the 8% daily ROI I can make there is a lot better than just over 2% from CEPCoast.

I'm going to add a CEPTrust link to the money info on the right.

Hopefully in 2007 things will settle down and some new programs will come through.

DailyROI - I seem to have missed the chance to request a refund so I'll have to ride this one out. I'll know in about 3 weeks if they will pay out.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Black December

Things are looking bleak on the autosurfing front.

13DailyPro - This site appears to have shutdown. They did state they were having problems paying out as they had to transfer money from an AlertPay account to their E-Gold account before they could transfer funds to people. This dragged on for a few weeks with little contact from the admin.

It was then stated that the money had been transferred but the admin had a 'family emergency' to go to and he hadn't contacted anybody. The site then disappeared and no longer works.

I'm going to assume that any money I have in this program is gone. I made $60 from this program with my first $200 deposit and I lost the last $400 I put in so I lost a total of $340.

DailyROI - This program is also having problems. They announced last week that the profit share model isn't working for them as too many people just got in there at the start looking for the big returns and then they took their money somewhere else.

They then announced that they were changing their model to 7% per day for 21 days for a 147% return over 3 weeks.

They have had a lot of issues with their scripts but it looks to be sorted now, they are not going to pay out any money made so far but they say that from Monday onwards anybody can withdraw the inital deposit they put into the program. I'm going to do this and hopefully I'll get my $100 back. I should know better within a week if this is likely to happen.

AdShareSurf - After the initial high ROIs at the start for this program they dropped very quickly. They claim that they were hacked a few days ago and this caused problems with the site. The site lists the ROI for yesterday as 1.68% while the terms and conditions say that the minimum ROI for any day will be 3%. This may be due to the hack and I haven't yet been credited for yesterday so I'm not sure what return I'll get.

I did get my first payout for this program of $231.

12by12Daily - This program is still looking rocky. They are making payouts but only to members who have adhered to the 50/50 rule. I'm going to wait until they have made payouts for payments that expired on the same day as me and then I'll consider putting enough money into my account to get my payment out. I'm not sure how long this will take but it could be at the end of the month.

CEPCoast - CEP remains steady and the amount of money being deposited into the site is increasing. The ROI remains just over 2%.

XLO - XLO is having issues at the moment as they are suffering from a DDOS attack but apart from that they remain reliable as ever and have recently had their first birthday. They gave away bonuses to celebrate their birthday and they added $15 to my account.

TFT - I'm still expecting my payment from them at the end of the month but all reports are good.

I want to withdraw my deposit from every program I'm involved in at the moment and only play with the profit.

I've also noticed a problem with my money stats on the right hand side. For XLO I have
stated that I have $715 in the account but I've also been counting all the E-Gold withdrawals I've made which is incorrect. As I'll never get the $715 back then every time I make a withdrawal I'm going to add this amount to the E-Gold total and subtract it from the XLO.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

AdShareSurf and CEPCoast

Adsharesurf didn't perform quite as well yesterday as I would have hoped but they still got a 28.6% for the day which is fantastic. That gave me a return of $223.30 for the day which I compounded giving me a total share of $990 in the program. Todays ROI should be about 13%.

CEPCoast seems to be getting stronger with the deposits into the program increasing daily. I've put the money that I've withdrawn from the program back in hoping that the ROI continues to increase.

13DailyPro haven't made any payouts in nearly a week. They say the reason for this is lack of funds in their E-gold account and it is taking a long time to get funds transferred across. This appears to be true and hopefully they will make my payment on time.

I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow for 5 nights so I'm not sure if I'll be able to update here at all but if I get time then I will.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Further details about Adsharesurf

I've had some more time to read up about AdShareSurf and check out the program in further detail.

All I can find about it so far are positive reports. The admin also runs another successful program and is trustworthy. The program started yesterday and not 2 days ago as I initially posted. Yesterday, on the first day, the program was at 80% ROI which is HUGE.

I don't expect it to get near that in the future but I hope for around 33% today. Over the next few days when word of the program starts to spread I can see the ROI staying high.

At the moment I have great faith in this program, at least for the short term, and I'm going to put the rest of the money from my E-Gold account into it. I have $300 in there already and I'm going to deposit another $470 now.

If the ROI does hit my estimated 33% for today then I will earn $254. I'm going to compound that amount and then cashout the rest. Cashouts are free on Fridays and cost 5% every other day so I will wait until Friday.

I've reading the 12by12Daily forums and it looks like payouts are being made. The latest payment I saw was from an amount that expired on the 25th. This means cashouts are currently taking 13 days. All these payouts have a deposit that is least 50% of the cashout.

My pending cashout for $1261 expired on the 4th so I'm guessing it should be paid out on the 15th or so. (I guess it will take 11 days as I think Dave is catching up with the payments). This means to be paid out in time I need to have at least $636 in the program. By the 15th I should have my 13DailyPro payment, the XLO payouts and the Adsharesurf payout. That should be enough to cover the 12by12 deposit.

I know I said earlier I don't agree with putting more money into 12by12 but Dave is making payments so it looks like he is getting back on track.

That's all for now. I'll keep this blog updated with the progress of adsharesurf.

New program - AdShareSurf

I've just heard about another new ad share program that is started. It is called AdShareSurf and it launched 2 days ago.

The first day had a 80% and yesterday was 79%. I highly recommend getting into this while it is still paying out these huge amounts. It is run by a known and respected admin and a lot of people are saying really good things about the program.

I've just deposited $300 into the program.

I'll give more details of the program later but every day you wait before signing up is a waste of your money!

The link is AdShareSurf

Thursday, December 7, 2006

12by12Daily Update

12by12 did not make their 'exciting announcement' as promised but instead announced something less than exciting. On the 4th Dave made an announcement to discuss 2 issues.

One of the issues was about hackers trying to gain access to the system in order to steal members money. Dave said due to this he had to take the admin section offline meaning he couldn't make any payments or contact any members.

The other issue stated "About a week or so ago I announced that we would now allow upgrades up to a maximum of $12,000. Supporters of 12by12daily saw this as a positive step,however a few detractors decided this meant that 12by12daily had a cashflow problem. By airing their views in public, they have done untold damage to 12by12daily, and whilst we did not have a cashflow problem at that time, things are getting a bit tight now."

In order to fix this Dave, and his "team", decided to implement the 50/50 rule to cashouts. This meant if you wanted to cashout $1000 then you would need to have at least half of this, $500, deposited to do so.

This wouldn't have been a huge issue but Dave announced that this rule would come into effect immediately. There was a huge uproar about this as alot of people had put as much money as they could afford into the program and now they learned that in order to get it out they had to put another 50% in. The thread on the forum was locked after 25 pages of people panicked and asked questions clarifying the new rules.

Even though a lot of people were confused and worried Dave still did not post in the thread answering any questions. Instead, 2 days later, he posted another message saying he would not implement the rule straight away but instead it would apply to pending cashouts from the 5th December onwards.

If a program tells me that they are suffering from money problems then the last thing I want to do is put MORE money into it to get some money out! I'm going to just keep the minimum amount in the program as to keep my account active and when I get my cashouts I'll see how things are going then.

Enough about 12by12 and an update on the other programs I have money in: -

13DailyPro - I should get my $468 from them on the 9th. I have another $52 that they added to my account for a day when I couldn't surf that I think I will get with my next cashout. When I get my cashout from them then I will put some money back in.

CEPCoast - CEP remains steady at slightly over 2% every day. With the money I currently have in there and the compounding I did at the start I get slightly less than $10 from there every day. They have big things planned for the next month or two so I'll consider putting more money in after I see how things work out with their plans.

XLO - XLO remains steady as a rock. I'm getting $100 from them every week with zero problems.

TFT - I'm expecting $963 on New Years Eve.

DailyROI - I'm a little worried about this program. They have been paying exactly 2% each day since I joined. When I check their live adshare %s during the day they rarely get much above 1% so the remainder must be coming from the reserve.

I'm going to work on a graph showing my money decrease and increase over time and I hope to have it uploaded sometime soon.

Thats all for now. If you made it this far then thanks for reading and please leave a comment letting me know what you think.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Still waiting....

Cashout news first - I got my first deposit in TFT returned exactly 30 dats after it was deposited as promised. I got $360 back from my $200 deposit.

I also chased out 2 days surfing from XLO.

TFT has changed so there is no further need to use their website. They just ask you send them the money and then they will return it, with an additional 80%, after 30 days. They say the backend of the website was running too slow.

Things aren't looking good at 12by12. The 'exciting announcement' has never happened and there has been zero contact from the admin in over a week. Payouts also seem to have grinded to a halt. There is also evidence to show that the admin is in the progress of setting up another autosurfing site! I'm not sure what this means but it isn't filling me with confidence.

As 12by12 is currently the number 1 autosurf available I'm sure a lot of the smaller autosurfs have a lot of their funds tied up in it. If 12by12 ceases to exist then a domino effect could start with all the autosurfs starting to close up shop. I'm not going to deposit any more money into any programs until I see what is happening with 12by12.

I think my decision to put $100 into DailyROI was a bad one. The first day I had my money in the daily % dropped to about 1.2% but they paid out 2%. Today the % is less than 1% so far and with only just over an hour to go.

DailyROI have changed their site since yesterday so that only members can view the live ad pack status. CEPCoast have also done this and you can no longer see the past %s. This is not a good sign and I will not be compounding any money in either program but instead withdrawing all I can.

Overall things are looking bleak. I could be due to people wanting to withdraw more money for the lead up to Christmas but there is really no way to tell.

Only time will tell....

Saturday, December 2, 2006

New program - DailyROI

I've added another program to my portfolio. This new program is DailyROI and it is based on the new profit sharing model as first developed by CEPCoast.

I've put just $100 into this program and I'm going to compound the earnings daily so I can try and build a decent balance there.

My deposit into 13DailyPro has now expired and I'm expecting payment on the 9th. I checked my pending cashout today and noticed that I wasn't credited for a days surfing. I checked this out and it turned out to be a day when I had problems with the 13DailyPro website due to their MySQL connections. At the time I couldn't login and had left a message on their forum about it. I emailed 13DailyPro when I realised I hadn't surfed that day and they credited my account. I'm not sure when I'll get the credit paid out but it looks like it will be with my next withdrawal, not the currently pending one.

CEPCoast seems to be relatively stable at slightly over 2% for the past few days. I'm going to give it another week to see if it stays stable. 12by12 have not yet made their exciting announcement but it is expected to be soon.

I cashed out my balance from XLO to E-Gold.

A comment was left on my last post asking if I could show, not only how much money I had in each program currently, but also my past spendings and earnings. If anybody could make any suggestions how they would like to see this then it would be appreciated.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Quick update

Just a quick update to say I got paid from 12by12. It took 10 days to get paid.

I've put $535 more into TFT as that is the total I need to get paid $100 per week from there. The other $200 I have in TFT expires in 2 days.

The rest of the money from the 12by12 payout is going to stay in my E-gold account until I decide what to do with it. I'll see what develops with 12by12 and CEP over the next few days and I will likely put the rest of the money into one of those programs.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

12by12Daily and CEPCoast

There have been some changes with 12by12Daily over the past few days. They have increased their payout time from 7 days to 7 working days. The official line in their terms is -

"on or about the 7th WORKING day after the expiration of each Ad Pack. There are no guarantees that we will pay by this date but will make effort to do so".

I find this very vague and I don't think it is a good thing. It means instead of earning 44% over 19 days it'll take at least 21 days. This reduces my daily % from 2.3% to 2.1%, and I'll only get the 2.1% if they pay within the 7 working days. It would make more sense for me to invest more in XLO when I'm guaranteed 2% daily and I can compound there every day making more. I can also withdraw instantly.

The admin from 12by12, Dave, also is making "an exciting announcement" in a few days. I have a payment pending on the site from the 20th and I'll not be re-investing it until I see what happens over the next few weeks.

I also have some worries about CEP. Their daily % has steadily decreased nearly every day since they started. The amount of money being invested in their program has halved since last week. I'm worried this will lead to a widespread panic and nobody will start re-investing. I was compounding daily with them but I'm going to not put any more funds back in until I see what happens over the next few days.

The only programs that seem steady at the moment are XLO and TFT. I have a payment due from TFT in a few days and it will all be going back in. I also might put some of the money from 12by12 into it as well.

I'll see how things shake out over the next week and I'll decide where my money will go then. I don't like having money sitting in my E-gold account not earning but at least when it is in there I know it is safe.

I'll update the figures on the right to reflect the latest.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I got paid from 13DailyPro and 12by12Daily so far.

I plan to put the majority of my money into 12by12Daily as I think it is stable at the minute. I will have money in all the other autosurfs as well and I want to make $100 per week from each of them.

I've worked out how much I need on each of these programs to make the target of $100 per week.

XLO pays 2% per day so I will need to have $714 in the account.

TFT pays 80% every 30 days. I would need to have $535 in it.

13DailyPro pays 30%. They say this is added after 10 days surfing but as payouts take 7 days I'm going to include this. I will need $809 in the program.

With CEP Coast the % returned differs every day. I'm going to use 4% as my guide so I can get an idea of how much I need to have in their program. I will need $357 in this progam.

I'm going to top my XLO account up to required amount from my E-Gold account. I currently have $200 in TFT and I'm not going to add anymore to this account, instead I'm going to put all the money it makes straight back in again until it reaches $535.

I'm going to put $400 into 13DailyPro and compound it until it reaches the necessary amount.

With CEP Coast you have to use a CEP Trust account to fund your account. At the moment I don't have my account verified so I can't withdraw. As I can't withdraw I'm going to compound all the money it makes until I get the account verified.

All the other money I have is going to go into the 12by12Daily account.

I'll move all the money now and update the figures on the right when this is done.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Current autosurfs

To use most autosurfs you have to have a E-Gold account to fund your account. This is considered to be one of the most secure methods of moving money about.

You should see a table of how much money I currently have in my E-Gold account and in each autosurf. The E-Gold amount will fluctuate as your account balance is held in weight of gold you own rather than USD. As the value of gold changes constantly so will your account balance.

Each amount I have listed for each autosurf is the amount I put into it but does not include any percentage made on the money. I will update the totals when I have been paid out from a program.

I started this adventure on the 27th October. I put $2500 into my E-Gold (which is all I'm prepared to lose). The first autosurf I invested in was XLO on the 27th and I put $600 into that. I then put $600 into 12by12Daily on the 3rd November, another $600 on 9th November and $6 on the 20th (today). I put $200 into 13DailyPro on 3rd November, also on the 3rd I put $200 into TFT. On the 4th I put $300 into CEP.


That lists all the spends I've made so far. I've been paid by a few programs already and I'm due more payments in the next few days so I'll post about them later. I'll also post about why I chose these programs over others and what my aims are with them.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

First post

I'd like to explain here what I intend to use this blog for and what you, the reader, can gain from reading it.

This blog will document my attempts to make money from autosurfing. If you are new to the world of autosurfing and don't know what it is then you can check out the description of it over at Wikipedia.

The article at Wikipedia suggests that autosurfs are all types of MLM and therefore should be avoided. When I first looked into autosurfs I agreed with the opinion of Wikipedia initially until I looked at some other forums and read post after post from people who were making money from doing this.

However, while I agree that money can be made from autosurfing I do think it should be treated as a game and you should never put more money into them than you can afford to lose.

I will use this blog to post all details of which programs I have money in and how much I make, or lose, from each program. I'm very bad at keeping records and being organised so I'm hoping this blog will motivate me to keep everything updated.

I'll post more details about all the programs I currently have money in soon.