Monday, January 15, 2007

Putting money back into Coastin'88

I made a mistake in my earlier thoughts. I thought if I kept cashing out from Coastin'88 and CEPCoast then I would build my balance back up quickly to the original $2500.

The best way to make money from these programs is to keep compounding every day. I should do this until the total worth is $2000 and then I can cash out. I wish I had of realised this earlier as I would have made a lot more money.

This was a stupid mistake on my part as I obviously didn't think it through. I'm going to put all the funds I have in my CEPTrust account into Coastin'88 and every day I'll cashout from CEPCoast and Coastin'88 and put this money straight back into Coastin'88.

Coastin'88 is still growing very steadily so hopefully things will remain steady for the next month.

I'll try and keep the money list updated at least every other day.


Anonymous said...

I have an initial $1000.00 in coastin88 and bought back $100. a day, and banked the remainder. In 14 days I am making a $500. withdraw and still making good daily money. The best theory seems to buy some and daily bank the remainder which makes a monthy withdrawel possible.At 8% this very well could last a while.
scott s.

Neil said...


Thanks for your comment.

My aim is to get to a stage were I am making $100 per day from this program while keeping my account balance at the same level.

To do this I'd need to have ad packs totalling $5400, I would cashout $432 every day and keep $100 and put the rest back in (23/77). This would keep my account at the same level while allowing me to take a daily profit.

To do this I would need the daily ROI to stay at 8%.


jambiz said...

how you compound on coastin explain please

Neil said...


When I say compound what I am doing is withdrawing all the money everyday to my CEP Trust account and then putting it back into Coastin88 the same say.

It is the best way to build up a balance quickly.

More details can be found about it on the Coastin'88 forums.

Hope that helps.
