Monday, January 29, 2007

More of the same

I've updated the money list on the right again.

I'm also waiting for my cashout from 15hitsdaily. It should be paid out in the next few days and I will be putting it back into the program.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Updated money

I've just updated the money list.

Not much new happening at the moment. I'm clawing my money back very slowly...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Putting money back into Coastin'88

I made a mistake in my earlier thoughts. I thought if I kept cashing out from Coastin'88 and CEPCoast then I would build my balance back up quickly to the original $2500.

The best way to make money from these programs is to keep compounding every day. I should do this until the total worth is $2000 and then I can cash out. I wish I had of realised this earlier as I would have made a lot more money.

This was a stupid mistake on my part as I obviously didn't think it through. I'm going to put all the funds I have in my CEPTrust account into Coastin'88 and every day I'll cashout from CEPCoast and Coastin'88 and put this money straight back into Coastin'88.

Coastin'88 is still growing very steadily so hopefully things will remain steady for the next month.

I'll try and keep the money list updated at least every other day.

Friday, January 12, 2007

New program

I did receive my money from DailyROI within 24 hours of opening a Tri-Star Money Changers account. I then reviewed the three autosurfs that their group currently operates and decided to go with 15 Hits Daily. They offer 10% for 15 days. I put $120 of the $123 I had into them and so far things appear to be going smoothly.

I will not be putting any more money into DailyROI even though they did well to start as a profit share and after getting hit by people just investing for the big profits for the first few days changed to a normal autosurf.

Andy has posted on the TFT forums. Basically his post says that TFT is a goner and will not be making any payouts.

Coastin88 and CEPCoast both still are performing very strongly but I have no regrets in my decision to stop compounding and start taking funds out. I need to be more cautious now as I don't want to risk losing all the money I started with and ending this adventure!

I'm going to update the money list and add a section for closed programs with the total amount I lost (or made) with them.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

XLO sold

XLO has been sold to Bob from the Tri-star group. The Tri-star group currently own at least 3 other autosurfs that seem to be either loved or hated. He does pay out though and seems to be reliable no matter what people think of him.

This is good news for me as I think that if this didn't happen then XLO would be no more. I still have money in XLO and this sale might help the chances of TFT paying out at the end of the month.

DailyROI emailed me saying if I change over to the Tri-star (Bob again) payment processor then he will pay out instantly and not charge any admin fees. I'm not sure why he is doing this but other people reported that as soon as they got a Tri-star account then they were paid within 24 hours. Although I don't want a Tri-star account as they don't transfer to e-gold and it will be hard for me to cashout I thought it is better to have some money there than have none at all.

Also with XLO moving to the Tri-star group I may have to get an account anyway.

I've not taken any interest in any of the Tri-star autosurfs but I'll check them out now as I might as well use the money I have in the account.

When (and if) I get my DailyROI payout then I will look into the Tri-star autosurfs and probably join one of them.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Starting to cashout from Coastin88

I've stopped compounding my money with Coastin'88 and have decided to cashout daily until I get my total funds back to $2000. I don't think this program is slowing down at the moment but I think the slowdown will start soon and I want to stay safe.

If Coastin'88 maintains the daily 8% for the next 2 weeks then I should be back at $2000. At that stage I will revaluate and decide what to do from there.

My money with DailyROI expired and I'm currently waiting for my payout from them. Other people are reporting that they are getting paid so hopefully I'll get mine. It is for $126 (before admin fees) as I missed a few days surfing. Payouts are made within 5 days and if I get mine then I will not be putting it back in.

That's all for now. Hopefully nothing dramatic will happen in the next few weeks!

Friday, January 5, 2007

Updated earnings (or lack of)

I've just calculated the value of my ad packs in CEPCoast and Coastin88 and although I think this is the fairest way it a suprise how little I have now.

I have $914 left for a grand loss of $1596. Not good.

If Coastin 88 dies in the next month then it is pretty much game over for me.

My aim now is get back to 2000 and then re-evaluate from there. I could start withdrawing my daily cashout from Coastin88 but they are still growing strong and I want to take advantage of the growth while it lasts. The total deposits make there for the last 3 days are:

1/4/2007 8.00% $100330.00
1/3/2007 8.00% $92130.00
1/2/2007 8.00% $87315.00

which shows the steady growth. Once the total deposits start to show any decrease then I'm going to stop compounding and start withdrawing. At the moment my daily cashout from Coastin88 is over $100.

AdShareSurf appears to have gone

AdShareSurf was due to be back online today. The site is completely down right now and the admin is nowhere to be seen. He was meant to be back from his Christmas holidays on 29th December but has not been sighted since before then. This is a another sore loss for me of $539.

Coastin' 88 is still going really strong and I'm relying on it to pull me back to even. I transferred $230 (nearly all of my funds) from e-gold to CEPTrust and deposited it into Coastin88.

I've thought about the best way to calculate the value of my CEPCoast and Coastin88 accounts and I think I should just count the remaining percentage of each pack left. i.e.

Percent Earned
Total Ad Packs:8Total Amount:$585.00

for my CEPCoast account above I would take the % earned away from the amount to give me the remaining value.

22.76 + 2.74 + 6.06 + 4.80 + 5.8 + 3.93 + 4.56 + 58.51 = 109.16

This does take a bit of working but I think it is the only way to give a true value. Note that I'm not including the extra 30% that I will earn on each ad pack.

I'll calculate the same for Coastin88 and update the list on the right.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

XLO closed for January

It has been announced about an hour ago that XLO is going to be put into 'holiday mode' for the remainder of January.

Andy says the reason for this is he needs to devote more time to getting payouts made from TFT. I don't believe this at all and I'm pretty sure that is the end of XLO. At least this is one of the few programs I was in profit.

When TFT closed I thought this might happen and I'm glad now I didn't put any more money into XLO like I had originally planned to do.

Once I find out any more details of what exactly holiday mode is then I will update.

Start of a new year

Happy new year to all.

I hope 2007 is a better year for autosurfing than the end of 2006. I think that Christmas is usually the worst time for autosurfing and now that I've learnt my lesson I'll be a little more timid next christmas.

Onto program news :-

TFT - I don't think I'm going to get any money back from TFT. Andy has been posting updates on the forums but they are in no way positive. I'm going to write this one off as a loss. This makes my total loss for this program $375

XLO - XLO still appears to be going strong as usual. One of my payments didn't go through 2 days ago and I've posted on the forums about this, Andy replied saying all problems have been fixed but I know mine wasn't and it looks like a lot of other people didn't get their payments either. I'm hoping this will be fixed soon.

CEPCoast - This program is going very well and appears to be going from strength to strength. Their payout is still only 2% and I'm cashing out every day and putting the money into Coastin88.

Coastin88 - Like CEPCoast oastin88 is also getting stronger and stronger. The daily % remains at 8% and every day I am cashing out and putting the money straight back in again. This is the one program I would recommend.

DailyROI - Looks to be working fine so far but I've still got another week before I can cashout. Some people have got their requested refunds and support on the forums still appears strong.

AdShareSurf - Appartently scheduled to be back up and running on the 5th January. I really hope this one does come back up as I don't want to wave goodbye to the $539 I have in there.

Other than that not much new happening. I'm not looking for any programs to join at the minute until I claw back some of the money I have lost and I see what happens with DailyROI and AdShareSurf. If Coastin88 continues going the way it has been then I'd be tempted to put more money into it.