Thursday, November 30, 2006

12by12Daily and CEPCoast

There have been some changes with 12by12Daily over the past few days. They have increased their payout time from 7 days to 7 working days. The official line in their terms is -

"on or about the 7th WORKING day after the expiration of each Ad Pack. There are no guarantees that we will pay by this date but will make effort to do so".

I find this very vague and I don't think it is a good thing. It means instead of earning 44% over 19 days it'll take at least 21 days. This reduces my daily % from 2.3% to 2.1%, and I'll only get the 2.1% if they pay within the 7 working days. It would make more sense for me to invest more in XLO when I'm guaranteed 2% daily and I can compound there every day making more. I can also withdraw instantly.

The admin from 12by12, Dave, also is making "an exciting announcement" in a few days. I have a payment pending on the site from the 20th and I'll not be re-investing it until I see what happens over the next few weeks.

I also have some worries about CEP. Their daily % has steadily decreased nearly every day since they started. The amount of money being invested in their program has halved since last week. I'm worried this will lead to a widespread panic and nobody will start re-investing. I was compounding daily with them but I'm going to not put any more funds back in until I see what happens over the next few days.

The only programs that seem steady at the moment are XLO and TFT. I have a payment due from TFT in a few days and it will all be going back in. I also might put some of the money from 12by12 into it as well.

I'll see how things shake out over the next week and I'll decide where my money will go then. I don't like having money sitting in my E-gold account not earning but at least when it is in there I know it is safe.

I'll update the figures on the right to reflect the latest.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I got paid from 13DailyPro and 12by12Daily so far.

I plan to put the majority of my money into 12by12Daily as I think it is stable at the minute. I will have money in all the other autosurfs as well and I want to make $100 per week from each of them.

I've worked out how much I need on each of these programs to make the target of $100 per week.

XLO pays 2% per day so I will need to have $714 in the account.

TFT pays 80% every 30 days. I would need to have $535 in it.

13DailyPro pays 30%. They say this is added after 10 days surfing but as payouts take 7 days I'm going to include this. I will need $809 in the program.

With CEP Coast the % returned differs every day. I'm going to use 4% as my guide so I can get an idea of how much I need to have in their program. I will need $357 in this progam.

I'm going to top my XLO account up to required amount from my E-Gold account. I currently have $200 in TFT and I'm not going to add anymore to this account, instead I'm going to put all the money it makes straight back in again until it reaches $535.

I'm going to put $400 into 13DailyPro and compound it until it reaches the necessary amount.

With CEP Coast you have to use a CEP Trust account to fund your account. At the moment I don't have my account verified so I can't withdraw. As I can't withdraw I'm going to compound all the money it makes until I get the account verified.

All the other money I have is going to go into the 12by12Daily account.

I'll move all the money now and update the figures on the right when this is done.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Current autosurfs

To use most autosurfs you have to have a E-Gold account to fund your account. This is considered to be one of the most secure methods of moving money about.

You should see a table of how much money I currently have in my E-Gold account and in each autosurf. The E-Gold amount will fluctuate as your account balance is held in weight of gold you own rather than USD. As the value of gold changes constantly so will your account balance.

Each amount I have listed for each autosurf is the amount I put into it but does not include any percentage made on the money. I will update the totals when I have been paid out from a program.

I started this adventure on the 27th October. I put $2500 into my E-Gold (which is all I'm prepared to lose). The first autosurf I invested in was XLO on the 27th and I put $600 into that. I then put $600 into 12by12Daily on the 3rd November, another $600 on 9th November and $6 on the 20th (today). I put $200 into 13DailyPro on 3rd November, also on the 3rd I put $200 into TFT. On the 4th I put $300 into CEP.


That lists all the spends I've made so far. I've been paid by a few programs already and I'm due more payments in the next few days so I'll post about them later. I'll also post about why I chose these programs over others and what my aims are with them.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

First post

I'd like to explain here what I intend to use this blog for and what you, the reader, can gain from reading it.

This blog will document my attempts to make money from autosurfing. If you are new to the world of autosurfing and don't know what it is then you can check out the description of it over at Wikipedia.

The article at Wikipedia suggests that autosurfs are all types of MLM and therefore should be avoided. When I first looked into autosurfs I agreed with the opinion of Wikipedia initially until I looked at some other forums and read post after post from people who were making money from doing this.

However, while I agree that money can be made from autosurfing I do think it should be treated as a game and you should never put more money into them than you can afford to lose.

I will use this blog to post all details of which programs I have money in and how much I make, or lose, from each program. I'm very bad at keeping records and being organised so I'm hoping this blog will motivate me to keep everything updated.

I'll post more details about all the programs I currently have money in soon.